Sunday, September 28, 2008
{ 10:14 PM }

yay its the 2nd round of shopping but ii din buy much..ytd buy knickers so today ii buy bras..went to marina & suntec city to walk & look again..and go other with vin after his work AGAIN...hahah..oky oky try to cut short tis entry oky..kinda tired typing this entry and ii gotta type the nxt entry..ii went to buy bras at la senza after dat ii finally got the chance to eat at gelare cafe..its so cool..the order pattern is lyk xin wang cafe but we have to pay up first..hahah..abit special ba..haha.
oky ending the post liaox..ii wan go makan dinner le..bye..
Labels: shopping
Saturday, September 27, 2008
{ 11:48 PM }
haha yes..went shopping today with vin weeeeeeee~~~~...long time nvr shop Shop SHOP went to wisma atria after his work..walk there..jalan jalan & chatted alot Alot ALOT!!BOUT work of cos..wad else?hahah ii am so kaypoh le regarding support service cos why?becos ii only can hear all the big happenings from mr yeo/linda lim/jolly su..other den dat ii dunknw wad else big or small ii can know le?lol
k lar..back to shopping at wisma went to shop for a few tings..ii went to cotton on body to take a looky...hais nth nice to buy so ii went to topshop ii simply love their knickers..alot..hahah..its cheapo man to buy there..unlike the rest of the clothes is super EXP..ii wonder yy the knickers are so cheap there..less den $20..

sorry for the fade writings on the pics..but the left hand side is $16 less 20% and the top right is $13 oso less 20% and top bottom is $9 less 20% if euu buy 2 knickers..

ii bought this cute little for wearing dresses or tubes which are bare back..hahah..cos euu jz have to stick tis bra ting to yr breasts and ta-dah it stick to it..
after dat we went to vivocity and again ii go in topshop to see & look..nth much ii went to marks & spencers & look at bras again..not nice de..more for auntie to wear..later on ii go adidas to buy a jacket yay..its lyk half jacket..hahah..

it cost $142 hahha..ii tink its worth the price..cos of the glittery silver at the side..after walking for so so so long..ii am real tired out le..walk until my ankle pains alot..and its kinda late liaoz..about 10pm we go home le..end of story bye bye..
Labels: shopping
Friday, September 26, 2008
{ 11:07 PM }
everything was peaceful until after sarah arrived at office at 11.50am..she supposed to come early for medical checkup as per jolly..L saw her sitting outside at counter & asked yy she's sitting there..go pantry lar..and den L say come so early for wad?do charity work arh?..after 15mins sarah still waiting for jolly den she say den ii do charity work lar?L say M call J up..J inform M to ask sarah to wait for him or wad..and dat ended the episode for now..
later on at 3/4pm when L having makan..ii tink she not happy with wad happened in the she tell tales to J again..ii was at recept chatting with nurul..mayb she told J bout me at recept or wad..J suddenly say ii dunwan ppl to do charity work..and ii dunwan ppl to sit at there(beside recept)..!all the tootpid big fuss came from L & she dare to "complain" to J..such a nice day today..she lyk to spoil everybody's mood & make everyone suffer..ii tink she got a serious "menopausal" syndrome which she haven't get over it..or maybe she jealous ii too free sitting outside.ii din even do anything wrong lor..when L is in a bad mood she lyk to pull J down and make him bad mood oso..!ii really hate her..even more den M now..alrite no more giving a smile anymore..=(
after work,ii went jalan with siti..she wanna buy shoes & something for bf.but things were not to her taste..we walked from pacific plaza to far east plaza to tangs to hmv to cineleisure..dat's a hell of alot of long ways..hahaha..after all this walking my ankle is super "sakit"..end up she only bought her heels..hurhur..she's oso tired out from the walking so she took a taxi & drop me off at opp camden bus-stop.haha.and ii still have to climb the overhead bridge to go idpl lor..wth..lazy of crossing the road oso.ii love to climb overhead bridges and make myself even more "tired".haha luckily when ii reach there they are about to finish work ii and vin go don to eat oways..hahah..kinda tired of fast food liaox..having eaten for the past few days..cos cheap ma..12-2pm only $4.50 nia..until end of sept ii wad siew geok told me 2 weeks ago?haha she too long nvr come liaox ii oso forgot when..oky oky..time to end tis tootpid post of mine..bye cya..take care!!
Replies to tags ::
MnM: LoL.. now joke joke abit aso angry le... OmG la.. now cant even take joke le.. sianz
~Reply MnM: euu tink everyone lyk euu can take jokes arh..bleahs..=P
waty: jun is taking over my mum's place, then my mum will be moved to sumwhere 'higher'. wah she hor, come shell so gd u noe, learn here learn there..
~Reply waty: orh so good arh she..wad her job position?
Labels: mood, tags, work
Thursday, September 25, 2008
{ 9:22 PM }
ytd cancer society pap smear specimens was a hell of alot!!ii tink total is about 80+ samples..ii am gonna pengsan by staining all these pap..and today got somemore oso..-.-...wah lyk dat become 100+ le..ii gonna become x.x liaox..
hmm my day has been worthy spent on sorting pap smears wahahhaha..not as free as before le..cos no extra manpower for them everyday other den lunchbreak 1 hour..ii tink ii only got another 2hours to spend..chatting with recept..hahah..its so funny when nurul is at recept..cos she really blur when she sit the whole she told me a few jokes..make me laugh lyk hell..=) den when she go back ssd she will suddenly go blur den go recept den blur
after work,ii went jalan with wisma cos the shop cotton on is having a 50% off sale..wah the shop is full & the queue is super long man..!after dat siti bought a blouse and she immediately wore it liaox.wth..hahah she super anxious to change into it cos she say she dunlyk the brown tank top she's wearing now..we pass by another shop selling bra & panties/boxers/g-strings..and the bras are damn cheap & looks sexy..its only $ after dat we go in isetan cos topshop & topman had moved into isetan le..the bra & panties/boxers are so cute..haha..wah by then its aldy 6.30pm so fast sehh..lyk wad siti say she had to leave by dat time to meet her bf..ii reach home almost an hour later..106 is damn full..and it stop for every bus-stop until my waist & legs are tired..ii only got place to sit at holland ii took the bus at behind wisma..super tired when reach home..
and then when reaching home..halfway thru my mother was complaining how come the water flow so little..and she checked with my neighbours..the same thing are happening to them..she said better go shower before the water supply was being cut off..wah ii eat my dinner until lyk halfway den ii go shower and finish my 2nd part of dinner seh..machiam ii oso fasting eat at hands are getting tired le..cya ppl..
Labels: funnies, shopping, work
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
{ 9:29 PM }
ever since the last incident of lost blood..there's no more phelbotomist coming over to help with the sorting anymore or any other buay noi informed me from today onward i'll have to sort the cancer society specimens cos they got no extra manpower..hmm..its lyk nuts to me to sort papsmear specimens..cos before dat anna did teach me how to sort samples although ii learnt the minor one meaning those single tests instead of profiles..hahah..aiya but ii only learn for 3/4 days ii tink..cos after dat ii kinda got stuck staining on slides for quite a long time..and by then,ii am aldy so tired liaox..hahah..although its only 12pm?lol..
wah liew how come ii nvr blog for 1 day my tag jz go completely half full with tags aldy?oky oky time for me to reply to tags le..hahha almost 5/6 ppl replied me?yy qianhui nvr tag me?!!
Replies to tags ::
MnM: Eng Yao come & print aso nth happen.. sheila aso.. u say work stuff la... so easy
~Reply MnM: euu tink its so easy arh.if later they check how?
MnM: btw i am e Photograhper for tat OLD Pic ~ ! ! anD faZ >> time for u to slim down serIOusly... lol
~Reply MnM: she had slimmed down abit fyi cos euu wun meet us so euu dunknw..
faz: hahaha, slim down abit only lah, still a long way to go. so before i tun sexy maxy, u have to meet me loh our DEAREST VIN HONG! wahliao, u dare say i fat??!!!
~Reply faz: she not fat liaox not alot as viny hong had become lyk grandpa of ssd.hahha..=p
sue: if you fedup with ur negihbour go splash paint lah at his door, like loanshark like that, hahaha.
~Reply sue: wah if they come down and find me how?hmm..or maybe they got put cameras in front and shoot me?
sue: and anyway, i suggest you go buy baby cream. (baby johnson) i use that, nice smell and very smooth!!
~Reply sue: haha thanks for the suggestion huh?will buy the next time round..
sue: wei viny hong, you bully my friend, you want to get from me ar??? dont samapai i go break ur glasses hor!!! hahahahahaahha
~Reply sue: wah good leh..euu go break his glasses den he can wear his new specs liaox..=)
edd: keAiiGaL, yeap its for psp. and basically i think i have all the games for psp.
~Reply edd: woah dat's sure wad kinda games euu have..hope euu can list out..=p
waty: felly, juntra pang is busy learning new stuffs lor. never see her face for few days already. eh mary not in idpl???
~Reply waty: mary still in idpl lar..she wun disappear one unless after she get "married"?dat we dunknw if she'll still stay around?wad is juntra pang bz learning?!!
Labels: tags, work
Monday, September 22, 2008
{ 8:47 PM }
seriously ii hate my neighbour alot!!!especially the one staying on top of me in the same room on top of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!he super hateful....he walk with loud steps...although he is the same age as euu Sue..1986 oso one..and they lyk to quarrel in the middle of the night 12am somemore..make me so sleepy oso cannot sleep..and den he kip banging doors in a fit of anger...argh!!!!!!!!!!!!pls stop yr LOUD FOOTSTEPS && yr BANGING DOORS!!!!!especially not in the middle of night lyk 12am..euu dun nid to sleep but ii wanna sleep hokay!!!
nothing much happen today..only when the maintenance guy came for the machine when janie is not in him in and he lyk demonstrated wad he do with the machine..chitchatted with him abit oso..hahah he say everytime he come there's different ppl..hahah..and ii told him everytime its who who who..seems dat he knw it oso..even told him ii jz started in the dept only..
and L complained to J ii use the pc to print on sat..wth..!!!somemore ii told him its unofficial stuff..wah lau cnt use pc meh?tootpid leh..lab cnt use cnt use internet..only 1 place can use internet && print somemore lor.dat is accounts..and 1 place only can surf is PATHETIC!!!grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!super FED-UP!argh!!!as usual no replys to my
hand cream topic!& no tags..
Labels: mood, work
Saturday, September 20, 2008
{ 6:46 PM }
nothing much happen jz..dat at 10am siti ask lab tech whether do they have a particular patient's blood from complete healthcare..?seems dat they did receive the blood but not sure yy it jz disappear...then the lab techs are there finding the blood for ytd..but they din find any..after dat jolly asked uncle ong not to throw the rubbish bag..den anna & nurse leong look through the bag..yay they managed to find it near to the end..woohoo!!!
hahaha..later on ii jz slacked le..cos about 1 hour later ii finish staining everything and its only 11am..super free den ii teach fie how to customise themes for multiply...haah..she was helping sue sue euu learn yrself lar!!wakakkaka..
aiyoyo..ii reached home to find nobody's home..argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ii only managed to find some chips at home to eat..haiyo..ii was oways kena abandoned being home alone..!!so!
Labels: randoms, work
Friday, September 19, 2008
{ 6:45 PM }
argh this few days ii been having real bad farts.....yes..luckily when ii farted no one is around..if not ii will be so EMBARASSED!!argh..ii dunwan be lyk vin oso..wakkakak..but really ii got no control over this farts of mine..cos ii tink its due to the onions ii ate on monday evening dat is causing my having tis farting problem..although it had lessened already but ii feel weird when ii having this little farts of mine..
wah today ii really feel lyk wanna vomit my brains out..cos ii was having a slight headache which cause me to be so DROWSY and it happen around 12pm?ii seriously wanna feel lyk fasting end up this headache jz came along and make me feel hungry when ii dun have a choice but not to skip lunch..only when my period is about to end den this type of sucky headache will come popping by..sux man..ii feel so "happy" today until aft 12pm..and after lunch until 3pm the headache jz suddenly disappear cos ii had lunch @ mac's again - double cheese meal..hahha..wanna save $ oso cannot..hais..
hey ii break a record for reaching home real EARLY more early den mr andrew tang who stayed @ potong pasir..left office punch card at 5.12pm took bus at 5.25pm?den reach home at 6.10pm sibei early man..ii tink if ii at support service my earliest record is lyk 6.25pm..?not counting those days when linda let me go off early..the usual timings ii am refering to..nw working at cyto is so good&&slack..hahh..k lar k lar..ii wanna log off from blogging le..hahah..
YY ii dun have tags to reply to??!!!!!PLS PLS anyone who come by my blog pls tag oky???
Labels: mood, sick, work
Thursday, September 18, 2008
{ 8:10 PM }
ii got a weird dream ytd..ytd date 17 sept..its my 1st ex bf's birthday..ii jz dreamt dat he married an older woman and their son is a exact replica of him with golden hair seriously he dun have gold hair..ii wonder how he looks lyk he is tall n plump..ahha..
oh dear!ii miss vincent so much le..wakakka..although only the 2nd day but one to play with one to chat&talk cock with me..haiyo..and since ii got nothing to do..ii sleep early lyk 11pm?hahaha..
hmm..wad am ii suppose to blog bout today?!!arghs!!ii FORGOT!!damn..wad wad?oh's my father's birthday din do much jz went to ghim moh to have dinner and ii left the office at 5.15pm again..and ii purposely miss 1 bus so ii took the nxt bus which arrive at 5.30pm..reach ghim moh at 6pm..waited for them for more than half an hour..make me sleepy already..oky we fast fast eat finish dinner ii reached home at 8pm..hahah..real fast arh?haiyo abit giddy liaox tink today ii will sleep early again?2 more days to seeing vin home back safely @ sg..
Replies to tags ::
sue: y you hate her???!!
~Reply sue: hey sue pls refer to my entry below the monday post alrite?den euu will know yy..?
Labels: love, randoms, tags
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
{ 9:32 PM }
nothing much today actually but ii tink at 10am jolly received a call from HSA to recall the plain 10ml tubes and later on by the supplier biomed diagnostics ii tink the company name is..haha..woah seems lyk a BIG thing..cos they have to compile all the 10ml tubes and send back ii tink and oso from the clinics oso..of cos they have to type a letter to each & every clinic whom we send the 10ml tubes to..ii guess its jz a small group..cos as wad jolly and mr yeo's conversation were saying dat we dun send 10ml tubes to all of them rite?hahah..oky oky ii am so not gonna tok bout this topic le..
on to the nxt topic,yes ii was supposed to load the pics of yesterday..haha but only sue and faz's pics of cos..the one and only pic with me taken with them is in sue's blog in case anyone of euu wanna see..hahah ii wonder yy there's a car behind me..haha car show loading my pics now oky?pics are coming right up!

pic took by sue..faz's face is being cut off abit.hahah..

faz are euu trying to say something?

hey why are euu wiping yr mouth while taking tis pic?
tis pic is so damn "retro"..cos a few ppl are not working with us le..and ii seriously hated the person which ii covered her face..ii guess euu all should know who's dat ba..

it jz bring back memories..~wooh...
Replies to tags ::
passerby: dropped by for a visit, nice blog :D
~Reply passerby: thanks for visiting!hihi do ii knw euu?
faz: hahahahahahahahha. MO-CHA, SHA SHA!
~Reply faz: yea yea faz ii knw..euu nid supporter?!!
Labels: pictures, work
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
{ 10:38 PM }
ii dunknw is there something unlucky in my dept?ii kip banging into things and making it break..argh!!!its lyk the 3rd time in jz less den 2months?and den ii kip getting late...suppose to start work at 8.30am this week guess wad time ii reach office ytd?8.45am ii mean wth..ii dunknw yy ii kip late ever since ii working in cyto ssd ii jz late a few months jz one ii unlucky or wad..?!!the 1st time ii broke a slide..lucky ii stain everything le before breaking it..the 2nd time ii broke a filtering cylinder the triangle-lyk thingy sorry ii dunknw wad it's called? the 3rd time ii broke a measuring cylinder..!!
oh rite ii forgot got 1 incident in which ii was receiving the slides but ii dunknw how or where did ii misplace 1 cancer society slide?!!damn in the end ii told my boss and jolly knw about it..ii searched HIGH AND LOW but still its nowhere to be the end ii called the clinic up and told them we accidentally broke the slide and asked it they are gonna be following up with the end ii tink ii called on 2nd sept hahah the staff say not following up lucky linda lim is around to help me sign it to become first ii oso dunknw yy we nid linda lim's signature to sign as foc?orh end up its jesslyn blur liaox actually cancelled forms no nid to sign one lar..she make me "BLUR" oso lor wah lau!argh!!!!!!!!!!!!wth is happening to me?or bad luck for me to work there?oways facing the tootpid traffic jams!!
met up with faz & sue jz now and on the way taking legs nearly break off while standing from orchard to raffles place and from raffles place to boon lay without any support handle..hahah..had alot of fun chatting/laughing(as usual)/eating/wadever shyt!haha seems lyk laughing is part of their job scope..!!oways non-stop partly cos of my pronounciation..haiyo..forever one lar..sue used my hp to take pics will post up the nxt time round..and while on the way home in the bus once reaching my stop ii nearly overstretch my arm making it sprain but lucky nothing bad comes out of it..!!haha..
meanwhile i've been searching for hand creams and not really sure which to buy hopefully my blog readers can give me some suggestions so ii will post up my pics now..paiseh ii nid to edit it first so pls wait a moment for the pics to be loaded up oky..?
oky done up the pics are the pics..
hee part 1 of the pics total 9 give suggestions again in my suggestion box aka the!!
part 2 of the pics..2 down 7 to go..
oky last 6pics..
oky only 5 more to go..
counting down last 4th pic..
sorry not as big as the prev pics ii have to shrink it down cos only can upload pics up to space..
last 3rd pic..
last 2nd pic 1 more to go..
finally the last pic end of hand cream pics..sorry to bore euu ppl!
Replies to tags ::
MnM: opps some1 aso reject abt kipping tat staff~ when i told her e whole story ! she some1 among us ! admit it...
~Reply MnM: haha is it qianhui?!!aiyo qianhui so bad hearted?
Labels: pictures, support service, tags, work
Monday, September 15, 2008
{ 11:39 PM }
seriously someone senior dat we all know is getting to be a "faker" and "hypocrite" who duncare a thing about the juniors..she act nice in front of everybody and den in front of the boss she act as a devil!
jz becos the junior had a bit of a problem with her pregnancy so she asked the boss whether she can be excused from answering calls due to the "walking ups and downs"..the boss in turn asked her and him for a decision..the "faker" said no she dunwan her..while he say its oky for her not to answer calls..even the boss oso said "we'll see how first"..
at least he oso understand how she tried her best to can ppl so selfish lyk her said dat answer when the junior had aldy learnt most of the skills..she had been confirmed in her job already..even when ii told someone she oso said how can she be so selfish?!!ii even said its not lyk she owned the company so how can she say she dunwan the staff at all!really hurt even my feelings..dat someone even mentioned maybe she's not planning to have babies so she said dat..
but ii think the "faker" had changed over these past few years compared to previous when she haven't promoted..ii dunknw how come she can change so fast..maybe due to her workload?nah its bullshit..she can act busy in front of ppl..but she's busy for all the things dat can be done in a later part of time..not at 2pm or 3pm when dat's the busiest..!
when ppl need her to data entry ii tink she's busying with herself for quotations or even histology or maybe even helping with the marketeers with minor things such as looking for request forms..ii am lucky ii am not with her or even helping her with her tootpid histology charges everytime its her turn to call end up ii am oways the one helping her to call..!
ii even hate her phrase of "can euu help me with this or that?" actually she can do it end up ask ppl to help her do..ii still remember one case with me and qianhui involved..boss even asked and told her significantly only she must handle it..and den she asked qianhui to print..and ii dunknw wad qianhui asked me?she dunwanna ask mr she asked me to ask..?den ii asked mr yeo he told me le..den boss knw bout it and ask her in a loud voice "HOW COME FELICIA GOT INVOLVED?"
and den dunknw wad shitty answer she gave in the end no choice she had to handle her who asked her to anyhow pass to ppl to do?boss asked euu to do euu dun do end up euu pass to ppl to do?euu think wad yr company arh?or ii shld do it cos of yr "high" rank?
ii tink seriously she nid to check her own attitude to others..ppl no matter wad oso is yr student and euu cnt blame some ppl maybe abit slow in learning our job scope..must oso give in abit to them ma..lyk when she first started working oso dunknw wad is wad..euu tink everyone born out is a "genius" aldy arh?
Replies to tags ::
sue: whats with maple story sia?? wahliao
~Reply sue: hahah its a online mmorpg(massively multiplayer online role-playing game)..
Labels: support service
{ 9:50 PM }
“001号!” “报告老师,我姓焦,我叫焦配。”老师有点晕,问道:“这是谁给你取的?” “我爹。” “你爹是干什么的?” “开种猪厂的!”
“002号!” 一个女生站起来:“报告老师,我姓张,我叫张德开。”
“003号!” “报告老师,我是张德开的孪生弟弟,我叫张不开。” “这是谁给你们起的名?” “是我爸,他是卖钳子的。”老师赶紧喝了口水。
“004号!” “报告老师,我姓区,,这个字念”欧”,,我叫区夜,,哦也,,,这是我妈给我取的名,她说生我的时候刚好打爆了一个电脑游戏。”老师的心脏有点不舒服了。
“005号!” “报告老师,甘妮娘!” “你怎么骂人啊?!” “没有啊!老师,我是说我姓甘,叫甘妮酿,我老爸是造酒的。”老师吃了一片药。
006号!” “老师,我姓苟,叫苟不理。” “你老爸是开包子铺的吧?!” “老师,您真聪明!”老师已经有点站不稳了。
“007号!” “我姓蒯,,读快,发第三声,,.叫蒯货。” “你别告诉我你老爸是开货栈的。” “老师,你可真老土了,我老爸是拉皮条的。”老师的嘴角已经渗出了血。
“008号!” “老师,你去死!” “什么?你说什么?!” “我是说我姓倪,叫倪去寺。我老妈是个信佛的人,我的名字有意思吧?” “有意思,有意思。”老师快哭出来了。
“009号!” “老师,下回说。” “为什么要下回说,你现在就说!” “不是的啦!老师,我姓夏,叫夏汇烁,我老爸是个说评书的。”老师已经感到天旋地转了。
”010号!” “老师,我姓高,叫高完。”
Labels: funnies
Sunday, September 14, 2008
{ 10:21 PM }
guess wad..haha we are so and vin is so game freaks..haha imagine him using his pc to play maple for 10hours..and ii helping him to make it to view this euu know its the truth..

haha see how freak we are?
the sentence below indicated you have played Maplestory for 11 hour(s). we suggest you take a break from this last sentence will appear only after euu have played at least more than 3hours or freaky..haha..ii tink my highest record is only about 6hours? is so freak..
Labels: games
Friday, September 12, 2008
{ 7:32 PM }
yea today is my lucky day..cos guess wad...haha although ii met only 1 traffic jam before botanic gardens..ii still reach office @ 8.53am?hahah..before reaching office ii saw Elvin Ng or Huang Jun Xiong.he was asking me where is the gent's and ii was stunned..den he ask me whr is the toilet in chinese?haha..ii told him go straight n turn left..ii dunknw he was there acting or wad?but ii tink so lar..

as the pic above..hahah..later on..after or during lunch..jolly asked if ii saw rui-en?ii say no only see huang jun xiong..den he asked wad his english name?its elvin ng..den he say they will filming early in the morning liaox..ii tink maybe around 7am?ahha..ii tink the new drama name is
zong ji shou hou...oky lar..toobad ii tink take pic with him haha cos dunwanna bother him going toilet ma..
Replies to tags ::
siti: wei...i influcence you with green huh???
~Reply siti: well sort of ba euu && radhiah..hhaha..=)
Labels: mediacorp artistes, work
Thursday, September 11, 2008
{ 9:54 PM }
today really is my most unlucky day or wad?!!hahah...cos everytime ii work 9am ii will go siianx liaox cos ii have to face 3 tootpid traffic jams from my home to workplace...argh!!!!oky the 1st jam start at bt batok east ave 3 jz before the PIE...and den my bus will jz stuck there for 10mins...and den it will go for another less den
2 bus-stops and it will stuck at the commonwealth ave west between clementi ave 6..jz before the AYE..again another big massive jam!!!grrr...after dat on reaching botanic gardens or between holland rd & napier rd jz before the traffic light again ii dunknw yy there's another jam..and stuck again for 10mins..which leaves me to reach office from between 8.50am - 9.05am..wanna reach office at 8.45am oso berii difficult lor..ii will be lucky if there's no jam or even 2 jams ii oso will be pleased..hahah..and on reaching workplace ii start my job and stain my 2 trays of slides..but on finished the 1st tray at the last stop ii dunknw yy it jz stuck there and hang everything there for no reason at all and there's nothing stuck or there is my container with dat tootpid handle..urgh!!!i'm so tired of it all jams & jz sux..hahah...ii guess everything is so unlucky..oky..ii will update pics later..:) ii suppose to get this posted out ytd but ii type everything today 12 sept @ 7.30pm..haha so but ii backdated it to 11 sept @ 9.54pm...
Labels: traffic, work
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
{ 9:53 PM }
yay!!!finally my new blogskin is launched!!a new kinda way of reading && scrolling of my blog..wakkakaka..paiseh nid everyone to scroll down to read yea..?haha if not do tag me at my taggy alrites?lol..i've been in love with black&&green recently..ii dunknw yy..maybe ii got influenced my radhiah&&siti le..hahah..they love green to the core..hmm ii tink today ii finished work earlier den most of the time..supposedly to start work at 9am but janie let me go off at 5.25pm le..35 mins my blogskin now..will be long till ii change another one ba..hahha..lovely!!
Labels: designs
Sunday, September 07, 2008
{ 9:52 PM }
today ii was so in a good mood so ii suggested to vin to go to ikea alexandra..but ii reached his house at near to 12.30pm ii tink..and ii am so sleepy cos ii woke up at 8/9.30am..(on and off) meet my ex to do the sim card transfer of ownership..cos prev was his name..and ii nid such a long appt to meet him to jz do this miserably little ting..end up more den 2years lor..hais nvm..ii ended up sleeping at vin's house at 1.30pm?woke up at go shower and den wake vin up to get ready..hahah..
supposedly should left the house at 4pm but end up we left the house at 4.30pm..hah but we took a wrong bus took us until chinatown before we realised it..hahah and we walked to the other side and took a correct bus and reach ikea at 6pm..was so hungry on reaching there so we go ikea restaurant to eat..after eating at 7pm..we go walked around cos ii wanna buy a storage box to put my clothes we walked down and find a trolley to push around and put things in..ii wanna buy 2 pillows with the storage box..and ii was actually trying to find a cover for the storage box but to no the middle of everything there's this man n his gf/wife who came asking me whether tis is my trolley ii say yea..but he seems not to believe it..and he kip asking me whether its my ii told him ii put my bag in its mine..but he kip saying ii dun believe euu brought the trolley in..he maligned me for taking the cheapskate trolley for wad do ii nid to take his?gib me foc ii oso dunwan to take really make me so ANGRY!!den vin came over and ask me wad's wrong?ii said "freak man" kip saying ii took his trolley.."freak man" INSISTED dat ii really TOOK his trolley..and "freak man" said ii DUNCARE pls TAKE YR THINGS OFF!!but vin instead told him off dat ii been standing beside the trolley for so long can be his lor?finally he walked off with his gf/wife..his gf/wife kip saying nvm nvm..the more ii tink of it,it jz made me even more ANGRY!!so sad lor..first time in my life being maligned by some total stranger which ii nvr even did in the first place!!!they should kip their trolley by their side and not going around to accuse ppl of taking their trolley in the 1st place...!!!!!ii tink he pick on me cos lyk ii am standing near to the place where they lost their trolley...ii jz wonder my trolley oso nvr put name come euu fucking know its YOURS!!!!SO FUCKED OUT GUY!!FIRST TIME...ARGH!!!!ii am gonna draw his face and put up to let everyone see...bleahs..!!!

a sketch of how he looked lyk..hahaha..will draw a better one the nxt time!he is one unreasonable man..wadever he said is freakingly fucking untrue!!singaporean ppl's attitude are getting from bad to worse!!he anyhow shoots his words off..and the woman behind him is so timid..he tinks ii am easy to bully so he come find me...=(
Replies to tags ::
qIaNhUi: WOW 'Cooling Clothes' Huh ... Means Gonna Be Sexy & Revealing Issit .?!? *WoO HoO*
~Reply qIaNhUi: cooling clothes dun mean tube/dresses lar..can be spaghetti top oso wad...=S
Labels: mood, outings
Friday, September 05, 2008
{ 9:35 PM }
actually wanna blog a few days back end up a delay..hahah oky ii actually met an ex classmate on the bus a few days back ii tink its sunday ba..hahah and ii still remember her name is sharon lye yan pheng..hahah cool rite?kinda close relationship with her..ii knew she moved house but ii dunknw whr hmm she jz dropped off a few stops to where ii boarded the bus..ii tink its at the lrt stop after teck whye?haha ii dun remember the lrt stop names...!!!its so tiring..have to remember the place and the name and it jz doesn't click with the road name as well..although some does clicked..and jz ytd ii met another ex classmate this time at chinatown the place where ii am waiting for my family and my aunties' family..and ii oso remember this classmate name as joan tan sheue ling..hahha..double "cool"?hahah..real funny lar..but she dun recognise me le..not berii close to her at thus she dun recognise me but ii will oways recognise her face her hair anywhere the last ii knw is she stayed at teban gdns..ii wonder is there any change to it?
oky tags to reply to..seems dat ppl are getting sick including yours truly..hahah..having a cough every now and den..although ii tink ii am getting better and my flu kips coming back on and off when weather starts to turn cold..yy does this tootpid weather jz suddenly come on n off raining lyk dunknw wtf?ii knw its gonna be december soon my birthday & the raining season..but how come september is aldy starting with all this nonsensical things..argh how ii wish its hot weather so ii can wear my cooling clothes..hahah..k lar..ii blog when ii got tings to
Labels: friends, sick
Monday, September 01, 2008
{ 10:01 PM }
haha bored again yea..cos janie only came in afternoon took half day leave in the morning so am damn bored again ii dunknw yy cos is it ii am too sleepy today?!!ii slept on the way to work today..until the traffic light before gleneagles bus stop ii suddenly woke up..heng arh ii woke up if not ii tink ii aldy reached ps le..hahahha..ii knocked off at 5.18pm ii tink..and ii slept all the way back home again see how TIRED ii am!!maybe ii slacked too much until ii become so sleepy!!!yes sleepy make me lazy and make me wanna make tis entry shorty!!oky lar ii update the nxt time round when ii am more AWAKE!!!
Replies to tags::
argh my tags are miserably little!!!
sue: the stick. - you get what i mean! hah. siao ah ler
~Reply sue: apa cakap stick?mana stick?argh apa gila?hey so how 25oct free free?suggestions to where?
Labels: mood